2016 Warsztaty mokrego kolodionu towarzyszące wystawie “Malarze Normandii” w CK Zamek w Poznaniu
2016 “Procesy fotograficzne w latach 1900-1950” - prezentacja, Pix House, Poznań
2015 “Urzekające odbicie” - wykład i pokaz dagerotypów, Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniu
2014 “Atelier fotografia lat 30’ i 40’ XXw.” - warsztaty towarzyszące wystawie Ernsta Stewnera “Niemiecki fotografi Polski” w CK Zamek w Poznaniu
2014 “Palatio obscuro” - warsztaty i wystawa w Galerii pf CK Zamek w Poznaniu
2014 “Protofotograficzne metody mechanicznego obrazowania” - warsztaty camera lucida i sylwetek, Galeria Miejska Arsenał w Poznaniu
2014 “O osobliwych praktykach i przyrządach fotograficznych” - wykład podczas festiwalu “Labirynt” w Słubicach
2012 - “Contemporary uses of 19th Century Processes“ (lecture), Museum of Stanisław Staszic, Piła
2012 - Wet Plate Collodion Process Workshop (ambrotypes & negatives), Museum of Stanisław Staszic, Piła
2010 - Daguerreotype workshop, Dom Pracy Twórczej, Wigry
2010 - Wet Plate Collodion Process Workshop (ambrotypes & negatives), Police near Szczecin
2010 - “Daguerreotype & Wet Plate Collodion Processes - contemporary aspects of 19th Century Processes“ (lecture), National Museum, Szczecin
2009 - "f295 Symposium on Lensless, Adaptive and Alternative Photographic Processes" (Artist talk & presentation of works), Pittsburgh USA
2009 - Ambrotype (open shows), Biennale of Photography, Poznan
2008 - Wet plate collodion process (workshop), Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan, Przesieka
2008 - Wet plate collodion process (open show), 10th Profiles International Workshop, Skoki
2007 - “To froze the reflection” - 9th "Labyrinth" Symposium, Kłodzko
2007 - Daguerreotype workshop, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk
2007 - “Looking for images - work with children and teenagers" - workshops for art teachers, Poznan
2007 - Daguerreotype workshop, Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan, Wisła
2006 - “Prehistory of photography” (lecture & daguerreotype workshop), Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk
2006 - Daguerreotypie workshop – International Photography Festival, Łódź
2006 - “Prehistory of photography” (lectures and workshop) - 9th International Photographic Workshops „Profiles“, Skoki
2006 - “Playing with photography - work with children” - lecture & workshop for art teachers, Poznan
2005 - “Daguerreotype - the frozen reflection” (lecture), 9th Symposium of Photography, Koniecpol
2005 - “Liquid emulsions - preparation & using” (workshop) - International Photography Festival, Łódź
2004 - “Liquid emulsions - preparation & using” (workshop), Academy of fine Arts in Poznan, Skoki
2004 - “Archiving, preservation & digitalization of photography collections” (lecture), Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan, Kołobrzeg