2016    Warsztaty mokrego kolodionu towarzyszące wystawie “Malarze Normandii” w CK Zamek w Poznaniu

2016    “Procesy fotograficzne w latach 1900-1950” - prezentacja, Pix House, Poznań

2015    “Urzekające odbicie” - wykład i pokaz dagerotypów, Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniu

2014    “Atelier fotografia lat 30’ i 40’ XXw.” - warsztaty towarzyszące wystawie Ernsta Stewnera “Niemiecki fotografi Polski” w CK Zamek w Poznaniu

2014    “Palatio obscuro” - warsztaty i wystawa w Galerii pf CK Zamek w Poznaniu

2014    “Protofotograficzne metody mechanicznego obrazowania” - warsztaty camera lucida i sylwetek, Galeria Miejska Arsenał w Poznaniu

2014    “O osobliwych praktykach i przyrządach fotograficznych” - wykład podczas festiwalu “Labirynt” w Słubicach

2012 - “Contemporary uses of 19th Century Processes“ (lecture), Museum of Stanisław Staszic, Piła

2012 - Wet Plate Collodion Process Workshop (ambrotypes & negatives), Museum of Stanisław Staszic, Piła

2010 - Daguerreotype workshop, Dom Pracy Twórczej, Wigry

2010 - Wet Plate Collodion Process Workshop (ambrotypes & negatives), Police near Szczecin

2010 - “Daguerreotype & Wet Plate Collodion Processes - contemporary aspects of 19th Century Processes“ (lecture), National Museum, Szczecin

2009 - "f295 Symposium on Lensless, Adaptive and Alternative Photographic Processes" (Artist talk & presentation of works), Pittsburgh USA

2009 - Ambrotype (open shows), Biennale of Photography, Poznan

2008 - Wet plate collodion process (workshop), Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan, Przesieka

2008 - Wet plate collodion process (open show), 10th Profiles International Workshop, Skoki

2007 - “To froze the reflection” - 9th "Labyrinth" Symposium, Kłodzko

2007 - Daguerreotype workshop, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk

2007 - “Looking for images - work with children and teenagers" - workshops for art teachers, Poznan

2007 - Daguerreotype workshop, Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan, Wisła

2006 - “Prehistory of photography” (lecture & daguerreotype workshop), Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk

2006 - Daguerreotypie workshop – International Photography Festival, Łódź

2006 - “Prehistory of photography” (lectures and workshop) - 9th International Photographic Workshops „Profiles“, Skoki

2006 - “Playing with photography - work with children” - lecture & workshop for art teachers, Poznan

2005 - “Daguerreotype - the frozen reflection” (lecture), 9th Symposium of Photography, Koniecpol

2005 - “Liquid emulsions - preparation & using” (workshop) - International Photography Festival, Łódź

2004 - “Liquid emulsions - preparation & using” (workshop), Academy of fine Arts in Poznan, Skoki

2004 - “Archiving, preservation & digitalization of photography collections” (lecture), Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan, Kołobrzeg

Particularly I am interested in historic photographic processes since the beginning of “mechanical method for taking pictures from nature”. In 2004 I reconstructed daguerreotype process and in 2007  wet plate collodion process. Since then I give presentations & workshops related to these technics and their modifications (ferrotype, ambrotype, collodion negatives, liquid emulsions) work on salted papers, self-prepared negative and positive liquid emulsions. For my workshops and realizations I build cameras, lenses, pinhole cameras and other atypical equipment.

I teach professional artists & teachers, also give popular-science shows for children and teenagers. My presentations accompanies photo-festivals & university events.

I also give individual workshops in my studio in Rosnówko near Poznań, (Western) Poland.

Photography & Art historians, archivists, museum & gallery staff as well as photography collectors are invited to cooperate.

My pleasure was to present my  experiences to valued artists & educators. Among respectable guests of my workshops were: 

Wojciech Beszterda (artist)

prof. Stefan Czyżewski (Silesian University in Katowice & Filmschool in Lodz)

Sławomir Decyk (artist, Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan)

Jesseca Ferguson (artist)

prof. Waldemar Jama (artist, Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice)

Grzegorz Jarmocewicz (artist)

Radosław Krupiński (Dom Pracy Twórczej w Wigrach)

Paweł Kula (artist)

prof. Lech Lechowicz (photo-historian, Filmschool in Lodz)

Marek Noniewicz (artist)

Tomas Pospech (ITF in Opava, Czech)

prof. Grzegorz Przyborek (artist, Filmschool in Lodz)

prof. Marek Szyryk (National Filmschool, Łódź)

Zbigniew Tomaszczuk (Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw)

Tarja Trygg (artist, UiAH Helsinki, Finland)

Piotr Topperzer (artist)

Witold Węgrzyn (Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk)

prof. Stefan Wojnecki (Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan)                  

prof. Piotr Wołyński (Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan)

Stanisław Woś (artist)

Aleksander Żakowicz